While it is still easier to find the right kind of furniture materials and designs for your rooms, you might end up in a big fix if you try to do the same with outdoor furniture. The outdoor furniture can be kept in balconies, verandas or patios. However, they have one thing in common. All need to be highly durable as they would be directly affected by the harsh weather. Sun, rain and even dust and sand are the enemies of your furniture and if you don’t pay attention to help maintain them properly, you can expect a bad investment for sure.
There is one thing that you must all be aware about. You would not be able to maintain the outdoor furniture as much as needed. Therefore, you have to look for options that are more affordable and come with low maintenance needs. This is why many people opt for metal and plastic furniture. However, there is no denying the fact that nothing works better than wood. If you are one of the people who like to focus more on wood in furniture than anything else, you would have to do a little research. The right option for you would depend upon your budget, your needs and also the climate that you are living in. Here are some options that you can chose from.
Cedar- cedar wood is a classic option. It is relatively strong but is lighter in weight as compared to most of the hardwood varieties. If you think that you would be moving your furniture frequently, it is the best option for you. It is resistant to insects and does not rot as well. Therefore, you would also not need much maintenance. Another important thing that you must notice with this kind of wood is that it can easily be stained and painted. However, it is a softer variety of hardwood and it easily stains dents and scratches.
- Redwood- this is one of the most popular kinds of wood that you would be getting for outdoor usage. This kind of wood is perfect as it helps detract insects and rodents. Moreover, it does not rot easily. However, you would have to apply a sealant regularly so that the wood doesn’t get cracked. The reddish shade of this kind of wood can be either its plus or negative point, as per your choice.
- Mahogany- this is one of the best kind of hardwoods that you would find as it looks really great and is used in some very expensive indoor furniture items as well. Mahogany wood has natural oils which helps in keeping insects away, keeping the wood moist and making it water resistant as well. The wood is very strong in nature but might get cracked if not taken care of properly.
- Teak- there is nothing better than teak that you would find for outdoor furniture wood. It is strong and durable and has natural oils that does not let the wood crack or shrink. It does not absorb water and remains almost maintenance free all through.